Himalayan monal pheasant sound
Himalayan monal pheasant sound

Temperature 99.8☏, humididty-wet bulb 80 with humidity adjusted periodically depending on development of the air space shown by candling.

himalayan monal pheasant sound

Eggs are set in an automatic turning Lyons Roll-X (RX2) with grid 71.Eggs are collected twice a day and marked with the date and breeding pen number and set daily.They start laying eggs around the end of the first week of April and will lay every second day until they lay approximately 12-20 eggs.We have had females lay a few eggs in their first year though. Impeyans are second year birds meaning that the female will not lay eggs and the male is not fertile until their second year.Trios are not recommended because the dominant female will usually try to kill the less dominant female. Impeyans are very monogamous birds and become very attached to their mate. They get a handful of mixed grains every second day except during breeding season, fresh greens (lettuce, chickweed, dandelions, grass) and fruits (tomato, grapes, berries, etc.) when available. We feed our breeders and young adults 16% layer pellets, our tiny chicks 25% Turkey Starter crumble, and our growing chicks 20% crumble.Female - Shades of brown and cream with well defined feather pattern.Male - large & stocky with assorted coloured metallic feathers and a black front.(from A Monograph of Pheasants Volumes I & II, William Beebe) This provides another step towards the sustainable livelihoods for the people of Palas.Species English name: Impeyan Pheasant/Himalayan Monalĭistribution: Himalayas - from Afghanistan to Bhutan In 2007, WPA built and funded a school in the valley to provide education and encourage participation of the whole community in the conservation of the valley. This included providing environmental education to the younger generation and assessing their knowledge of the wildlife in the area, conservation and collection of NFTPs.

himalayan monal pheasant sound

They also introduced new produce that can be propagated in the villages and provide additional income, resulting in a decreased reliance on the forest and thus less disturbance.Īnother important aspect to the project was to raise awareness about NFTPs and the importance of the forests in Palas Valley by initiating Environmental Awareness Programmes. The project provided training and equipment to enable the collectors to produce higher quality products with fewer resources. Prior to the project, the processing of NTFPs collected from Palas were often wasteful with little financial gain due to the low quality of the final product, or the lack of awareness of the market value.

himalayan monal pheasant sound

NTFPs collected in the valley include pine nuts, wild mushrooms and honey. NTFPs are important in rural communities however their collection can cause disturbance to fragile habitats. The Project works with local communities to promote the sustainable collection of non-timber forest products (NTFPs). Partners: WPA Pakistan and North West Frontier Province's Wildlife Department. WPA and its members raised a staggering £20,000 for the people of Palas Valley, many of whom were killed or injured, and lost their homes, livestock and livelihoods. WPA has supported three projects int he area and has also provide aid after a devastating earthquake in 2005. The aim is to conserve the forests and rich diversity that they contain, whilst also tackling the cases of poverty amongst the people in the valley. WPA has been working with other partners to support a wide variety of conservation and development work in the valley.

himalayan monal pheasant sound

The western tragopan is listed as vulnerable, making Palas Valley extremely important for this species, as well as for other Himalayan pheasants and mammals. Surveys have suggested that these forests contain one of the largest populations of western tragopan in the world, with an estimate of at least 300 pairs. The area was discovered in the late 1980s to have extensive tracts of pristine forest. Palas Valley is located in Indus Kohistan in northern Pakistan.

Himalayan monal pheasant sound